West Fifteen, Whickham View Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 6UN


How to apply for a job?

We will consider all service requirements including…

Shopping Centres and Retail Outlets-Construction Sites-Sports Arenas and Complexes-Warehouses-Special Events and Festivals-Commercial Premises-Colleges and Educational Facilities-Car Parks-Stores Refitting

SIA trained security guards for Manned and Static Guarding-Mobile Patrols-Keyholding Services.

Our Company Policy:

  • To provide quick, efficient service to all clients.
  • To professionally evaluate all customer requirements and to act accordingly
  • To give a ‘value for money’ service
  • To deal with queries and complaints promptly, honestly and compassionately
  • To focus primarily on Customer Satisfaction
  • To provide security personnel trained to the highest industry standards, vetted and screened appropriately and in line with current legislation


Following checks need to be carried out which outlined clearly in our application form. Applicants should be aware that the process may take several weeks to conclude. There are no exceptions to the application procedure.

  • Passport/ID & relevant visas – right to work in the UK
  • Residency check
  • County Court Judgment/Bankruptcy checks
  • 10 year employment check
  • Criminality check

1) I also understand that it may be a criminal offence to attempt to obtain employment by deception and that any misrepresentation omission of the material fact or deception will be cause for immediate cancellation of consideration for employment, or dismissal if already employed.

2) I hereby authorize Royel Security Ltd to verify information presented on my application form, which may include explicit or sensitive personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the obtaining of the documents and/ or information covered by the European Union.

3) Directive 95/46. I authorize Royel Security Ltd to perform reference checks of my employment, including current employment and to contact the Department of Works and Pensions to confirm periods of unemployment (if any)

4) I understand that if an unsatisfactory reference is received from my current employer after I have accepted a role with Royel Security Ltd that Royel Security Ltd may terminate my employment with immediate effect.

I confirm that my consent is explicit, fully informed and freely given for the purposes of the Act.

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Attached Documents:
Personal Information:

Please Provide Last 5 Years address History

Address 1
Address 2

Person to contact in case of emergency/Next of kin:



Type of Driving License
Own Transport
Have you ever been disqualified?
Any Motoring offences/convictions?

Criminal Convictions:

Have you, ever been fined, cautioned, sentenced to imprisonment or placed on probation for a criminal act (subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act)?
Are there any alleged offences outstanding against you?
Have you, ever been made bankrupt or have any Court Judgements against you, whether satisfied or not, within the last 6 years?
Has any order been made against you by a Civil or Military Court or Public Authority?

Doc No: QBC.03, Issue Date: 01-09-2020, Issue: 3






Era (copy)

Equal Opportunities: This section is voluntary and will NOT be used in assessing your application. Royel Security Ltd is an equal opportunities employer. If you decide to complete this section it will help us to monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy. Please tick the appropriate box below.

My ethnic origin is:

Bank Details:


State all periods of employment, unemployment and self-employment for the last 5 years or since leaving school. For any periods of unemployment, state the address of the Unemployment Benefit Office at which you reported. Start with present situation.
Employers Details:


I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information that I have given in my application for employment is true and complete and understand that any false statement or omission to Royel Security Ltd or its representatives may render lead to termination of employment without notice. I confirm that the information I have provided on my application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I Understand and agree that I will be subject to any or all of the following checks: Address check, Financial Probity check which company will retain on file, Id verification check, Academic / Professional qualification check, Employment history, including any periods of unemployment/self-employment and any gaps, Criminal background check. I understand and agree that if so required I will make a Statutory Declaration in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835 in confirmation of previous employment or unemployment. I authorise Royel Security Ltd or its nominated agents to carry out financial history check /credit check and approach Government agencies, former employers, educational establishments, for information relating to and verification of my employment/unemployment record. I authorize Royel Security Ltd to make a consumer information search and ID checks with a credit reference agency, which will keep a record of that search and may share that information with other credit reference agencies. I consent to Royel Security Ltd reasonable processing of any personal information obtained for the purposes of establishing my medical condition and future fitness to perform my duties. I accept that I may be required to undergo a medical examination where requested by Royel Security Ltd Subject to the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988, I consent to the results of such examinations to be given to Royel Security Ltd . I further declare that any documents that I provide as proof of my identity, proof of address, proof of right to work and any other documents that I provide are genuine and give my consent for these documents to be examined under a UV scanner or similar device. I acknowledge that any falsified documents may be reported to the appropriate authority. I understand that it may be a criminal offence to attempt to obtain employment by deception and that any misrepresentation, omission of a material fact or deception will be cause for immediate withdrawal of any offer of employment. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) - Royel Security Ltd will use the information you have given on your application form (together with any information which we obtain with your consent from third parties) for assessing your suitability for employment. It may be necessary to disclose your information to our agents and other service providers. By returning this form to Royel Security Ltd you consent to our processing personal data about you where this is necessary, for example information about your credit status, ethnic origin or criminal offences. You also consent to the transfer of your information to your current and future potential employers where this is necessary (this may be to companies operating abroad if you apply for work outside of the United Kingdom). Your information will be held on our computer database and/or in our paper filing systems. By signing below, you agree to this process and confirm that you do not have a criminal record subject to the current Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and any amendments. You have the right to apply for a copy of your information and to have any inaccuracies corrected.


You are applying for a position of trust and in the event of being offered employment by Royel Security Ltd we may apply for a Disclosure. However, having a criminal record does not necessarily bar you from employment. For more information, ask a member of staff for a copy of the CRB Code of Practice/Disclosure Scotland and/or Company our policy statement regarding ex-offenders. Disclosure information is treated in a sensitive way and is restricted to those who need to see it to make a recruitment decision. By signing this document, you allow Royel Security Ltd to see a copy of the Disclosure. The Disclosure information is not retained i.e. it is disposed of within the timescales recommended in the CRB Code of Practice. By signing below, you agree to this process.


Any offer of employment is subject to satisfactory screening, that the applicant consents to being screened in accordance with BS7858 and will provide information as required. That the information provided is correct, and the applicant acknowledges that any false statements or omissions could lead to termination of employment.

I confirm that my consent is explicit, fully informed and freely given for the purposes of this job

Applicant Details

Doc No: QBC.03, Issue Date: 01-09-2020, Issue: 3



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